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hospital bed 醫院床〔可以升降活動的床〕。

hospital fever

Afterwards , while lying on my hospital bed with my whole body aching , i silently told master , “ you re the almighty . if i recover , it will be your miracle . if not , that also will be your will 當我全身疼痛躺在病床上時,我默默地對師父說,您是無所不能的,如果能夠康復,那是您的奇跡,如果不行的話,那也是您的旨意,我知道醫生不能再做什么。

Surgery gown , protection clothes , medical dressing , hospital bed cover , shoes bag , table cover , shopping bag , sanitary product , stretchy and waterproof non - woven cloth , breathe freely and waterproof non - woven cloth 手術衣防護衣手術敷料醫療床罩鞋套桌巾手提袋醫療衛生用品暖暖包止滑鞋套彈性防水不織布透氣防水不織布

I learned that professor sotomayor s daughter was very ill , and he was going through great much stress so i decided to give him master s sample booklet and asked him to put it next to his daughter on her hospital bed 我聽說他因為女兒病得很重而心情沉重,所以就拿了師父的樣書給他,請他放在他女兒醫院中的病床邊。

The train was a little fast going around the curves , “ said injured passenger namik kemal ozden , lying in his hospital bed with his face bandaged . “ there were vibrations 一名臉部受傷躺在醫院里的乘客告訴記者: “列車在軌道上曲折前進,速度有點快,突然有大幅震動,我堂弟就坐在我身邊,我們緊緊的抱在一起。

At present , there are 41 public hospitals providing a total of 20 550 general hospital beds and 7 681 illness - specific beds ( for psychiatric , mentally handicapped and infirmary patients ) 目前,全港有41間公立醫院,設有共20550張普通科病?和7681張特定病癥病? (供精神病患者、弱智和護養病人使用) 。

In an electronically enabled health system , for example , we may need fewer hospital beds , because length of stay is reduced and remote monitoring of patients from less intensive settings is available 任何一個醫生辦公室應該被重建并設置大房間以便存放紙紀錄,或者接入入寬頻網際網絡。

Unfortunately , the authors note , it is a common practice for hospitals to increase the number of hospital beds inside a ward to meet the increasing demand , especially during an epidemic 作者認為:不幸的是,目前醫院為了滿足需求,不得不增加病房的病床數量,特別在病癥流行期。

On friday , their strawberry - blond boy lay weakly in his hospital bed , surrounded by balloons and cards from the school where he says he fears falling behind his class 星期五,他們紅頭發的孩子躺在醫院的病床上,身邊擺滿了學校里用的氣球和卡片,他說他擔心在學校里落下功課。

Using mobile phones near hospital beds or important equipment is dangerous and could switch off ventilators or disrupt pacemakers , dutch researchers said on thursday 荷蘭研究者上周四稱,在醫院病床或重要設備附近使用手機是危險的,可能會讓呼吸器驟停或心臟起搏器功能紊亂。

Hospital beds for mentally ill persons and severely mentally handicapped persons , psychiatric day hospitals and outpatient clinics , psychiatric community nursing centre , etc 精神病患者及嚴重弱智人士病床、精神科日間醫院及門診服務、精神科社康護理等

In any case , this past weekend , kevin everett sat up in his hospital bed for more than four hours . he also lifted his right arm for the first time 不管怎樣,一周過去,凱文?埃弗雷特在他醫院病床上坐起來超過4小時。并且他能傷后第一次舉起他的右手。

Standing in front of a boy lying in a hospital bed in tyre , lebanon , the “ conflict in the middle east “ and the “ cost of war “ seem endless and suffocating 站在黎巴嫩提爾醫院一個小男孩的病床前, “中東沖突”和“戰爭的代價”看來無休無止。

Conversely , we were touched by the firefighters heroic efforts and felt their pain as we saw them lying in their hospital beds 當目睹這些英雄因義勇救人而不幸受傷躺在病床上時,我們深為他們的英勇行為而感動,同時也對他們的痛苦感同身受。

In any case , this past weekened , kevin everett sat up in his hospital bed for more than 4 hours , he also lifted his right arm for the first time 無論如何,上周末,列文?艾瓦雷特能在病床上坐起,長達四個多小時,而且第一次舉起了右手。

“ we ' re going to call him volcano , “ said mungo , 37 , sitting in a hospital bed in goma next to the baby swaddled in a pink and white chequered blanket 上周,剛果金戈馬城附近的火山爆發,熾熱的熔巖幾乎摧毀了這個依山傍湖的城市。

Three days later fireman bob picked up billy , dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the ladder truck 三天后,消防員鮑勃來接比利,為他穿上消防制服,從醫院病床一直陪同來到裝著長梯的消防車上。

Few countries have the staff , facilities , equipment , and hospital beds needed to cope with large numbers of people who suddenly fall ill 很少有國家具備應對突然患病的大量病人所需的人員、設施、設備和病床。

At the end of 2004 , the number of hospital beds was about 34 400 . the bed - population ratio was five beds per thousand population 截至2005年年底,醫院病床的數目約為34 119張,病床與人口的比例約為每千人4 . 9張。

Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - particular requirements for the safety of electrically operated hospital beds 醫用電器設備.安全性專門要求.電動醫院用床安全性專門要求